Tiger Booster Club wants you!!

Please join us in supporting all co-curricular activities at LC!

Why? The Booster Club is LC’s only all-inclusive, schoolwide parent organization and if you have a student participating in a sport or club, you are already a member! Our volunteers have lots of fun together raising money to support ALL co-curricular activities in athletics, academics, and the arts* – we’d love to have you join us too!

How? Some of the ways you can help:

  • Serve as a club representative for your student’s activity – sign up below!
  • Take a shift in the concession stand at the Field House downtown or at Hart Field.
  • Help sell spirit merchandise at Open House events in the fall and winter.
  • Attend and/or help sponsor our annual fall event – our biggest moneymaker of the year and a fabulously fun party to boot!
Fieldhouse Concessions
Booster Club Concessions

Be a Booster Rep!

Please use the form below to let us know if you are interested in volunteering to be a representative for any of the open positions. For more information on what a representative does please contact Marcus Scott at MarcusS@spokaneschools.org or lcboosters.info@gmail.com

First Name
Last Name
Which activity would you like to represent?

Please prove you are human by selecting the Truck.